Category: National security

Trump’s ‘Space Force’ Is More Like a Lead Balloon
What is today's compelling need--the current rationale--for establishing a Space Force now?

Of Course The Trump Al-Baghdadi Situation Room Pic Was Staged
The irony is that how even staged, compared to the Obama pic the Trump photograph by Shealah Craighead just falls flat.

Hillary, Tulsi and Their Bizarre Russian Catfight
Now, thanks to Clinton's bombshell, Gabbard could be, conceivably, resurrected into some conspiracy theory cause celeb third-party candidate for president which could only give Trump a wider avenue toward re-election.

Speaker Pelosi Should Receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom
Americans of all political pursuasions owe Speaker Pelosi a deep debt of gratitude to know that someone in authority is still willing to stand up for American interests.

Trump’s Treachery Now Has Americans Fired on in Retreat
Donald Trump's decision to back down in northern Syria now not only has cost our erstwhile allies, the Kurds, in their blood. Now Trump's cowardice may well result in American blood spilled, as well.

Trump’s Decision to Abandon Kurds May Not Be Impeachable, But it Helps Make the Case
Some 11,000 Kurds have given their lives in the fight against ISIS. And now Donald Trump has sold them out, plain and simple. That is a political calculus all Americans can easily understand.

The Department of Energy: The Agency Rick Perry Forgot
The truth is that Perry has not been alone in his ignorance: the Department of Energy historically has been a very misunderstood federal agency.

Whistleblower Scandal: Pence May Join Trump In the Bullseye
If it is indeed proven that Pence also holds culpability, the United States could well be for a constitutional and presidential crisis not seen since Watergate--indeed, dwarf Watergate.

Lying About His Statements, Donald Trump Seems To Think He Leads North Korea
Trump appears to be confused with his dear friend, the autocratic Kim Jong Un. This isn't North Korea. Trump can't say something--anything--especially on tape and think he can pretend he never said it.

‘This Felt Much More Like a G6 Than a G7’
Donald Trump spent a weekend meeting with world leaders largely trying to sell them on gathering next year at one of his luxury properties--but otherwise largely ineffective, according to a variety of political observers.